New Years Resolutions 2019 – Teachers

New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers.

Now, I personally have changed the way I devise my new year’s resolutions. Instead of having a lot of resolutions, I focus on one word. This year was listening. It proved very effective. Next year I will focus on health. Now, this is not for everyone. So here are a few options for you, pick one or all if need be.  Comment below on what you felt helped you or anything you recommend for our teaching community.

Change the way you look at things:

Wayne Dyer offered some crucial life advice: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Reframe your problems, start trying to see things from a different perspective. If you find that everything is negative and stressful, perhaps you need to see what you can change within yourself to make the change around you.

There is the famous story of a gatekeeper who always asked a traveller before entering the town “What were the people like in your old city?” If the traveller responded: “They were negative and bad tempered” he would respond with “You will find the people are the same here”. Should the traveller be asked the same question and answer differently “the [people in my old town were amazing and kind”, his response would be the same “You will find the people are the same here.”

Plan your move up the Payscale:

What are your career goals and how do you expect to achieve them? Perhaps write them down or work towards micro goals. The idea is to do everything you can to move your way up. I have found that asking management sets the tone and can even make management accountable for your personal growth.

Consider what professional development you can work towards or change positions within the school. Put your hand up and say “I got this!”

Try this free online Professional Development Plan to get the creative juices flowing:

Talk to adults about stuff other than school:

This one seems to almost get every teacher. We are so passionate and driven in our jobs we tend to make that our main point of conversation. Teachers tend to talk only about school’s stuff. Try to find ways that you can avoid this habit and stick with other topics. Your non-teaching friends will really appreciate this one.

Get a better work-life balance

I’m sure there are a few eye rolls with this one. So, as best as you can, keep a balance between your work life and life. This may seem really tough to do, but with some organization and putting yourself first you can make a major impact on attaining balance. By getting a better balance you will be a better teacher, friend and person.

These may not resonate with you, so please add in the comment section some of your ideas to gain a head start to 2019!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers.

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