5 Tips for Creating Classroom Rules

Teachers understand that classroom rules form the foundation of behaviour management. Expectations of how one presents themselves and the general rules that need to be followed in order for a classroom to run effectively can be challenging. How do you get the students to follow the rules? Here are a few tips to support this essential process.

Ensure all pupils contribute

Start with the bare essentials, and then through group discussion and feedback the classroom can decide what they consider to be a rule they see as fair and ones they know to allow for good educational practice. This will make your pupils feel valued and promote a positive learning environment.

Be inclusive (including you!)

Ensure that the rules apply to everyone. This includes you as the teacher. That would give you the opportunity to be the role model they need and show the sacrifice that comes with following the rules. No one is above the classroom expectations.

Phrase Rules in an affirmative way

In order to create a positive learning environment, the rules of your classroom need to reflect what they should do, rather than what they should not do.  Some examples include; treating others with respect, keeping the classroom tidy and completing your homework and projects on time.

Review when applicable

No classroom remains the same throughout the year, and the rules used in previous years’ may no longer applicable. Sometimes students may also misinterpret the rules, so be clear and reword if there is some confusion.

Link to learning

Pupils will be increasingly susceptible to the rules put in place if they are able to apply for the benefits beyond the classroom setting.  Rules are applied in most settings if not all outside of the school. If the pupils can understand the concept, they will be willing to follow the rules they have created.

What are your top five classroom rules?


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